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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

down with a bad cold


If I could have one wish, I would not wish for riches or everlasting youth.. I would wish that I would never get sick in my entire life. Wishful thinking.

I am down with a bad cold and a sore throat. . Man, if you ever get sick, you would wish like h*ll you never be old, cos that’s how you are going to go through your senior years. Somehow, I just don’t buy those pictures of evergreen old couples holding hands smiling contently in pictures you see at the clinics.. I mean, they must be aching from rheumatism, osteoporosis and stuff, right? Okay, they probably were aching SOME of the time and not the whole of the time, but just imagine, most senior citizens live through their life with some form of pain or discomfort. This is something I look upon with apprehension.

Anyhow, for the last 2 days, I had fire burning in my throat and everything taste like sandpapers. I couldn’t get any work done either. With a groggy and lead laden heavy head, I somehow got through all the cause papers and submissions due this week. Earnestly, I much rather bury myself in a 6 feet hole than ever get reprimanded in court.

Kimberly’s homework suffers cos I didn’t go through her homework with her the last 3 days, and I get messages in her message book like ,”Please do pembetulan for ejaan or Please complete page 31 to 38, student did not complete math homework today etc etc” Of course, the little madam is happier fussing over her collections of dollies than doing her homework, and is she determined to turn a deaf ear to my croaks of “Kimberly, do your homework, NOW!”

I have left Ashley to the mercy of my incompetent maid. From my bed, I could hear her little fretful cries, which keep tugging at my heart each time I chance to wake up from short fussy uneasy naps. Which in turn, of course, compel me to claim her from the maid’s arms. Needless to say, Ashley now has caught my flu and bad cold and is now rubbing her runny nose and watery red eyes furiously. Sigh…

At time like this, the doctor is my saviour. Am far from the death bed (no, I am not that dramatic,) but sure wish I get a whole lot better by tomorrow.

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  • I only got 2 words.


    HAHAHAHAH...kidding la. Times like this, I quickly take anti-histamines (non drowsy, bought cheap from the pharmacy..I really don't bother with going to see the DR.

    I know..I know...what a drug pusher I am.. What to do? I hv 2 monkeys on my back!!!!! I need to be well FAST!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 1:32 PM  

  • Hope you'll get well soon. I'm also getting flu, as my kids are having it. *Sigh*

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 2:05 AM  

  • did try dat, mott, but my endurance of the first 2 days self medication is of no avail, cos the doc says i have infections in my throat and needed antibiotic.

    Poor Amy, hope you get better soon. I am over the worst for it now.

    By Blogger allthingspurple, At 1:33 AM  

  • Hope u have fully recovered by now. Take care.

    By Blogger IMMomsDaughter, At 4:03 PM  

  • Dear Christene:

    lots of love and hugs from me..hope you recover soon..and wishing you healthy forever..and never get sick!!! (are you a breastfeed baby huh?..)

    Love from:

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 1:03 PM  

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