Monday, August 20, 2007
the mom and baby fair at midvalley
17th August 2007
We went to the Baby and Mom Fair at MidValley today. Not too bad. Better than the last fair they had. More booths and no empty large spaces, unlike the previous one.
I went there to collect 2 fitted diapers from Brenda of BabySashaNmom. And the little pink dolly bag that I thought would be so cute for Ashley.

But Kimberly goes,
“Awww..for me, momma? I lurve you.”
And so , Kimberly’s bag it is then.
She also wanted a puppet fancy prancy dolly from BabySashaNmom booth.
I also got this really pretty patchwork corduroy skirt from Gymboree from there. I hardly ever buy Ashley any clothes. Most of her hand me downs from her chieh chieh are pretty cool.
I wanted to post picture of the pretty dolly bag here but I have misplaced my digital and god knows where it is now. I hope Ashley hadn’t put it away in the dustbin and it got thrown out. She is very fond of putting everything from keys to wallets inside the dustbin nowadays. Gee, i hope the last temporary maid didnt take it away with her. I just cant find it ANYWHERE !!

so i put up the pictures i got from Brenda's site instead. This is the Ballerina fancy prancy doll that Kimberly got.
Anyhow, at the fair, as usual, the kids get lots of balloons from booth owners.
As usual, Grolier booth’s people stopped me, and as usual, I replied, I have the whole set. ( I really do, but it isn’t doing much good, sitting on the shelves)
Also, as usual, Ashley get to sample the rice porridge from the Nestle booth and individually wrapped rusks from Milupa. She also get a tin of Nestle baby formula together with some rice cereals sachets (two, to be exact). And oh, yea, some rice porridge sachets too. Okay, again , two sachets , to be exact. Although on a single visit to Ashley’s pediatrician, I probably get a whole lot more than from the fair. On every trip to the pediatrician, the nurse would load me with a can or two or baby formula and 8 to 10 sachets of baby cereals. But its probably because the nurse love Ashley so.
If everything is as usual, why do i still bother going? That's shopoholic for you.
Anyhow, a staff from the Milna booth steps out and asked if I would like to enter Ashley in the Baby Photogenic Contest. Man, sure I would.
“Here?” I asked,
and she replied, “No, later”
And she said they will phone us. So silly me thinking that it is to be on some other day nonchalantly left the fair when I was done checking out other booths.
Brenda text me to tell me that I was wanted by Milna and that they were calling out my name and Ashley’s name …but sigh.. too late, I only saw the text after I got home. Sigh…
Inside the fair, I had Kimberly standing at all material time on the buggyboard attached to Ashley’s stroller because of the crowd. I was afraid to lose her. It doesn’t help that the instant maid I got is only “one day old” (she arrived yesterday and is to tide me over till my new maid arrive) and anything could happen with an “instant maid”.
It also didn’t help that my previous maid, the old biadap who ran away, had tried on a previous occasion to smuggle Ashley out of the fair’s front entrance the last occasion Midvalley held a baby fair.
At that time she had said, she was looking for ma’am. I was puzzled thinking that she should have looked for me inside the booths and not push Ashley out. Moreover, she was firmly instructed not to leave my side and she has no business pushing Ashley away from my side in the first place anyhow. At that time, I had put it down to the maid’s ignorance.
But looking back at her numerous suspicious attempts to run away (she did eventually ran away at Enopi when i left her there with Kimberly while Kimberly was having a class), I think her pushing Ashley out of the fair was intentional.
Anyhow, this time, I shall push both my kids in the stroller myself and I shall keep them by my side. I feel safer that way.
But honestly, I am so used to being “maidless” nowadays that I now feel they are more a hindrance than anything else.
Okay, shall stop digressing again.
On the way out of the fair, Kimberly saw a clown. She yelped happily and stood grinning from ear to ear looking at the clown, waiting for the expected. A sculpted balloon.
I had thought that it was the same clown we engaged last year for Ashley’s birthday party, Richard. You don’t see many Chinese clowns around. Turned out, it is the clown’s cousin, Vincent.
Kimberly got a sculpture balloon from the clown in the shape of a heart. Along with the sculpted balloon heart is a proposal for marriage on bended knee from the clown. My little girl giggles in delight at her first proposal for marriage. Ha ha.
I just love baby fairs. You get to shop for stuff at a good deal and its all under one roof. Plus, you don’t have to walk miles in the shopping mall from store to store. Inside a fair, you only need a few steps from one booth to another. That’s shopoholic for you. LOL
We went to the Baby and Mom Fair at MidValley today. Not too bad. Better than the last fair they had. More booths and no empty large spaces, unlike the previous one.
I went there to collect 2 fitted diapers from Brenda of BabySashaNmom. And the little pink dolly bag that I thought would be so cute for Ashley.

But Kimberly goes,
“Awww..for me, momma? I lurve you.”
And so , Kimberly’s bag it is then.
She also wanted a puppet fancy prancy dolly from BabySashaNmom booth.
I also got this really pretty patchwork corduroy skirt from Gymboree from there. I hardly ever buy Ashley any clothes. Most of her hand me downs from her chieh chieh are pretty cool.
I wanted to post picture of the pretty dolly bag here but I have misplaced my digital and god knows where it is now. I hope Ashley hadn’t put it away in the dustbin and it got thrown out. She is very fond of putting everything from keys to wallets inside the dustbin nowadays. Gee, i hope the last temporary maid didnt take it away with her. I just cant find it ANYWHERE !!

so i put up the pictures i got from Brenda's site instead. This is the Ballerina fancy prancy doll that Kimberly got.
Anyhow, at the fair, as usual, the kids get lots of balloons from booth owners.
As usual, Grolier booth’s people stopped me, and as usual, I replied, I have the whole set. ( I really do, but it isn’t doing much good, sitting on the shelves)
Also, as usual, Ashley get to sample the rice porridge from the Nestle booth and individually wrapped rusks from Milupa. She also get a tin of Nestle baby formula together with some rice cereals sachets (two, to be exact). And oh, yea, some rice porridge sachets too. Okay, again , two sachets , to be exact. Although on a single visit to Ashley’s pediatrician, I probably get a whole lot more than from the fair. On every trip to the pediatrician, the nurse would load me with a can or two or baby formula and 8 to 10 sachets of baby cereals. But its probably because the nurse love Ashley so.
If everything is as usual, why do i still bother going? That's shopoholic for you.
Anyhow, a staff from the Milna booth steps out and asked if I would like to enter Ashley in the Baby Photogenic Contest. Man, sure I would.
“Here?” I asked,
and she replied, “No, later”
And she said they will phone us. So silly me thinking that it is to be on some other day nonchalantly left the fair when I was done checking out other booths.
Brenda text me to tell me that I was wanted by Milna and that they were calling out my name and Ashley’s name …but sigh.. too late, I only saw the text after I got home. Sigh…
Inside the fair, I had Kimberly standing at all material time on the buggyboard attached to Ashley’s stroller because of the crowd. I was afraid to lose her. It doesn’t help that the instant maid I got is only “one day old” (she arrived yesterday and is to tide me over till my new maid arrive) and anything could happen with an “instant maid”.
It also didn’t help that my previous maid, the old biadap who ran away, had tried on a previous occasion to smuggle Ashley out of the fair’s front entrance the last occasion Midvalley held a baby fair.
At that time she had said, she was looking for ma’am. I was puzzled thinking that she should have looked for me inside the booths and not push Ashley out. Moreover, she was firmly instructed not to leave my side and she has no business pushing Ashley away from my side in the first place anyhow. At that time, I had put it down to the maid’s ignorance.
But looking back at her numerous suspicious attempts to run away (she did eventually ran away at Enopi when i left her there with Kimberly while Kimberly was having a class), I think her pushing Ashley out of the fair was intentional.
Anyhow, this time, I shall push both my kids in the stroller myself and I shall keep them by my side. I feel safer that way.
But honestly, I am so used to being “maidless” nowadays that I now feel they are more a hindrance than anything else.
Okay, shall stop digressing again.
On the way out of the fair, Kimberly saw a clown. She yelped happily and stood grinning from ear to ear looking at the clown, waiting for the expected. A sculpted balloon.
I had thought that it was the same clown we engaged last year for Ashley’s birthday party, Richard. You don’t see many Chinese clowns around. Turned out, it is the clown’s cousin, Vincent.
Kimberly got a sculpture balloon from the clown in the shape of a heart. Along with the sculpted balloon heart is a proposal for marriage on bended knee from the clown. My little girl giggles in delight at her first proposal for marriage. Ha ha.
I just love baby fairs. You get to shop for stuff at a good deal and its all under one roof. Plus, you don’t have to walk miles in the shopping mall from store to store. Inside a fair, you only need a few steps from one booth to another. That’s shopoholic for you. LOL