Monday, February 11, 2008
Mad about animal prints !!! Yes, its diapers again !!
My first passion with animal print was when I first saw Jam Tot’s jaguar print in their berry plush diapers.

And Jam Tot’s minkee dalmation print blanket.

A few months later, I dressed Ashley in that and took her cow print minkee blanket along in her stroller when we went for the mummy and baby fair in Midvalley sometime last June.
Lots of mothers asked me about them and Ashley got her bum stroked for the umpteenth time that day, and the minkee blanket got so many stains from mothers fingering them that we had to wash them. Ha ha. Not that I minded. I love sharing stuff with other mums.
At that time, online store owners hasn’t bought in any animal prints diapers yet. It was a good 6 months before we saw an onslaught of animal print diapers.
Animal prints has finally caught on in Malaysia !!!
But if I were to wait, online store owners in Malaysia may or may not bring them in, and I don’t think I can wait half a year to satisfied my animal print craze.. 10 days to 14 days is the max time for me to wait for my fluffy mail !! And by that time, Ashley may or may not be on her way to being potty trained!
Anyhow, with Brenda and Sandra now bringing in cool animal prints, that means I could enhance my existing stash!!!
I got a Happy Heiny cow print diaper and a Mummy Touch Jaguar print from Brenda and cow print and cheetah print minkies from Grace.
An allday wetbag cow print and a matching wipe bag in cow print from Sandra and my favourite baby gadget, the cow print wipe container from Brenda. Are these cool or are these cool ????!! Yea, this is crazy !!!


Sandra's all day cow print wetbag has 17 diapers stuffed inside. That's why it looks fat and stumpy. We were getting ready to go to FIL's for reunion dinner. Grace's regular wetbag has 2 diapers stuffed inside. It was the 2 diapers for the car ride. But you could stuff 6 diapers in there.
I use both of them stuffed wetbags as pillows for Kimberly and Ashley during the car ride. That cow print wipe container is from Brenda. YOu guys have probably seen that many times in my posts.
Babylegs ...

On Ashley...

Excuse her trousled hairdo. This is what happened when I am too busy to mind her. She runs around like a wild flower.
Assessories... the wahmies cow print wipe bag from Sandra and the 2 sets of cow prints wipes are each from Babysoftlandings and Grace respectively. The others are in the laundry.

These are from Babysoftlandings.


These are baby spats from Babysoftlandings.

They have the same functions as babylegs and huggalugs excepts that they cover the gap between bottom of trousers legs and the socks. Very fuss free and useful gadget when your toddler is nestled comfortably on your spouse's arms and you didnt want to move her around too much
and giraffe print babylegs. Still new..

Both MiaBambina and Babysashanmom carries animal prints babylegs/huggalugs in case anyone is keen.
And since we are on same note on diapers, these are the new diapers I dug out from my stash for Ashley to wear for her Chinese New Year.
Chinese believes that one should wear everything new on the first 3 days of the lunar year to ensure new clothes all year round, down to their underwear, and preferably red. And by red, I mean underwear. You don’t see them around till come CNY!! So Ashley get new diapers dug out from my unused stash for the occasion.

on the top row, that's tot bot's yellow bamboo with velcro, petite desious aqua bamboo from cottontail with snaps, blueberries's yellow cover.
On the second row, that's itti bitti dlish in lime, itti bitti classic cotton knit in rainbow, itti bitti dlish in fushsia, bumgenius bamboo with velcro in yellow.
On the last row, its thirsties in hot pink, blueberries jaguar print training pants in M size (Ashley is such a string bean she still fit most of her M size diapers), blueberries jewel tone training pants in L size and Happy Heinys' bamboo hugger.
If anyone wants to see more animal prints, you can hop over to Brenda's blog and drool over her collections. We were just discussing about how mad we are over animal prints the other day and when she beat me to the post on her blog, I told her "I oso want to fast fast put up mine" So, here it is !!!
Will put up pics of CNY when I have a chance on the net again. It's kind of crowded here at FIL and I havent even a chance to get on the net till now.

And Jam Tot’s minkee dalmation print blanket.

A few months later, I dressed Ashley in that and took her cow print minkee blanket along in her stroller when we went for the mummy and baby fair in Midvalley sometime last June.
Lots of mothers asked me about them and Ashley got her bum stroked for the umpteenth time that day, and the minkee blanket got so many stains from mothers fingering them that we had to wash them. Ha ha. Not that I minded. I love sharing stuff with other mums.
At that time, online store owners hasn’t bought in any animal prints diapers yet. It was a good 6 months before we saw an onslaught of animal print diapers.
Animal prints has finally caught on in Malaysia !!!
But if I were to wait, online store owners in Malaysia may or may not bring them in, and I don’t think I can wait half a year to satisfied my animal print craze.. 10 days to 14 days is the max time for me to wait for my fluffy mail !! And by that time, Ashley may or may not be on her way to being potty trained!
Anyhow, with Brenda and Sandra now bringing in cool animal prints, that means I could enhance my existing stash!!!
I got a Happy Heiny cow print diaper and a Mummy Touch Jaguar print from Brenda and cow print and cheetah print minkies from Grace.
An allday wetbag cow print and a matching wipe bag in cow print from Sandra and my favourite baby gadget, the cow print wipe container from Brenda. Are these cool or are these cool ????!! Yea, this is crazy !!!


Sandra's all day cow print wetbag has 17 diapers stuffed inside. That's why it looks fat and stumpy. We were getting ready to go to FIL's for reunion dinner. Grace's regular wetbag has 2 diapers stuffed inside. It was the 2 diapers for the car ride. But you could stuff 6 diapers in there.
I use both of them stuffed wetbags as pillows for Kimberly and Ashley during the car ride. That cow print wipe container is from Brenda. YOu guys have probably seen that many times in my posts.
Babylegs ...

On Ashley...

Excuse her trousled hairdo. This is what happened when I am too busy to mind her. She runs around like a wild flower.
Assessories... the wahmies cow print wipe bag from Sandra and the 2 sets of cow prints wipes are each from Babysoftlandings and Grace respectively. The others are in the laundry.

These are from Babysoftlandings.


These are baby spats from Babysoftlandings.

They have the same functions as babylegs and huggalugs excepts that they cover the gap between bottom of trousers legs and the socks. Very fuss free and useful gadget when your toddler is nestled comfortably on your spouse's arms and you didnt want to move her around too much
and giraffe print babylegs. Still new..

Both MiaBambina and Babysashanmom carries animal prints babylegs/huggalugs in case anyone is keen.
And since we are on same note on diapers, these are the new diapers I dug out from my stash for Ashley to wear for her Chinese New Year.
Chinese believes that one should wear everything new on the first 3 days of the lunar year to ensure new clothes all year round, down to their underwear, and preferably red. And by red, I mean underwear. You don’t see them around till come CNY!! So Ashley get new diapers dug out from my unused stash for the occasion.

on the top row, that's tot bot's yellow bamboo with velcro, petite desious aqua bamboo from cottontail with snaps, blueberries's yellow cover.
On the second row, that's itti bitti dlish in lime, itti bitti classic cotton knit in rainbow, itti bitti dlish in fushsia, bumgenius bamboo with velcro in yellow.
On the last row, its thirsties in hot pink, blueberries jaguar print training pants in M size (Ashley is such a string bean she still fit most of her M size diapers), blueberries jewel tone training pants in L size and Happy Heinys' bamboo hugger.
If anyone wants to see more animal prints, you can hop over to Brenda's blog and drool over her collections. We were just discussing about how mad we are over animal prints the other day and when she beat me to the post on her blog, I told her "I oso want to fast fast put up mine" So, here it is !!!
Will put up pics of CNY when I have a chance on the net again. It's kind of crowded here at FIL and I havent even a chance to get on the net till now.
Labels: Diapers